Be Blown Away
By Adventure

A Vacation
Like No Other
From the moment you set foot on your opulent vacation yacht, until you say your goodbyes to the crew, you are not only treated like royalty, you feel like it. The grandiose Lagoon SIXTY5 is the epidemy of high class. With a description like “Sleek, Intrepid, and Thirsty For Wind & Waves” its only fitting to be named Aeolus after the Greek god of wind.
An Astounding, Matchless Crew
No yacht is complete with out a crew to wait on you hand and foot. Aeolus’ award winning crew is incomparable- with a captain and first mate who are ready to take you wherever you want to go with a memorable experience and a chef ready to make you only the best in world class food and beverages- your vacation is made.

Chef Katie Saunders

First Mate Elizabeth Brok

Captain Mayon Hight
The Experience

Jovial Elegance
While enjoying your get away, be sure to take advantage of all the activities Aeolus has to offer. No one is too old to be a kid at heart with the many toys to make your time on the water feel like the time of your life. After living to the fullest on all the fun your yacht has to offer, gather for a delightful meal from your award winning chef.